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Microblading training, well you may have noticed everyone around you obtaining perfectly shaped eyebrows. They’re not waxing, threading, or even tweezing them. What’s the secret, then? It’s called Korean Nanoblading you may know it as Microblading. Korean Nanoblading is the latest advancement of Microblading. Let’s take a look into this new eyebrow trend and what benefits it has to offer.
Why and how has it become the hype of beauty and cosmetics? Where can you train in Microblading?
LVC is UK’s award winning microblading training college.
In this picture the EmboPro semi permanent makeup microblading machine was used.
Microblading is a process that focuses on creating the most suitable eyebrow shape for an individual’s face. It is unique for each client. The tool used for the process is like a pen and it gently scratches the surface of the skin. The pen has a few needles at the end, which release high-quality pigment with each stroke. The process creates fine and natural-looking hair strokes on the epidermis layer.
You might be wondering how microblading is different from getting tattooed eyebrows. There’s one essential factor that separates the two: microblading is semi-permanent while tattooing is permanent. Tattooing requires ink to reach under the skin. On the other hand, microblading is done only on the surface of the skin, which means it won’t be entirely permanent.
Do you want to know what the whole procedure consists of? Before you can get your eyebrows in perfect shape, you’ll need consultation. You’ll need to confirm you’re not allergic to the pigment by doing a simple scratch test. In addition, you need to select a suitable color for your skin. Now all the technicalities are out of the way, what’s next?
First, an expert cleans and threads your eyebrows. Then, they numb the eyebrow area by applying a topical ointment. Subsequently, the expert measures your eyebrows and determines your face shape and symmetry. Next, they start the needling process. Each featherweight stroke gently implants pigment onto your skin. After they add a final layer of pigment, the process finishes.
There’s usually a top-up session after 6-8 weeks, which retouches the brows and locks in pigment. After the procedure is done, you need to make sure you care for your brows. Here are a few tips:
Is this treatment right for you? Explore the benefits and drawbacks of microblading below and you’ll be able to decide:
Benefits of microblading
Drawbacks of microblading
Due to the multiple benefits of this procedure, many people are opting for microblading.
After getting to know everything about microblading, you’re now in the position to decide whether it’s the right choice for you or not. Before booking your microblading training knowing the right information is great. You can contact us for a brochure we can send it out to you.
If you want to book onto a microblading course visit our courses pages. We would love to train you!
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